
Kali Arulpragasam, a Central Saint Martin's college graduate combines her love of jewelry design and global politics to create dynamic pieces for the jewelry house she has founded: Super Fertile.
Kali Arulpragasam
the above are from her Summer 2010 collection, "Crash"
 continuing on with rinspo, Courtney Love's bedroom is my dream room.
(note: kitten stickers on guitar, lace curtains, writing on walls)

be gentle with me

hmmm so let's just forget the fact that i haven't updated in like three weeks??? you forgive me right? it was all school's fault, i pinky promise!
it's so easy to profess your undying love for blogs nowadays but once in a blue moon you truly come across a blog that makes you go "oh hot damn oh hot damn, this blog is so aesthetically cohesive AND it's existence is totally necessary." that was exactly my reaction when coming across the beauty of a blog that is Black with flowers (a reaction followed my incomprehensible wailing consisting of a repetition of "WHY CAN'T MY BLOG BE LIKE THIS???"). i'll let the curator of the blog make you fall in love with it, too:
"i think Black people are not afforded the luxury of existing without being pigeonholed into an aggressive state of being. many times Black people are displayed as hyper-aggressive and because of this display we create a mentality that were stuck with hyper-aggressiveness. that isn’t to say that being strong, tough, or aggressive are bad things, they come with our survival. but the vulnerability, pain, and gentleness that Black people reveal are not present many times in the media or even in our homes. the luxury of intimacy with other people is so small in comparison to the thousands of images of us being strong and “animalistic” (by intimacy I mean without guards, barriers, being invested with other people without a facade to what you are or layers you create.) similar to the phrase ”carefree black girls and boys”, I wanted to give a safe space to vulnerablity of Blackness to be  on display".
Black with flowers felt like exactly what my soul had been craving -  a kind of calm that comes with lying in a bed by a sunny window and watching the dust swirl in the light, not having any worries. 
i am so stressed and so tired right now and i don't want to do anything any more.
 Patti Smith
Bending Light #11 
Light refraction patterns from the base of a clear glass vase
by Michelle Owusu (2013)
Honda Brothers in cherry blossom storm, Tokyo, by Nan Goldin (1994)
The Constitution of Man, according to Fabre D’Olivet
gf by koffk
Yuck, Suicide Policeman
(also: my birthday was on the 15th and my friends made me lots of sweet treats and i was gifted with solar powered fairy lights and lots of Frida Kahlo-y items)

you are now entering the edge of the atmosphere

Mariano Peccinetti (a.k.a. Transvorder) creates the most amazing cosmic, retro collages using found imagery in his series Collage al Infinito. see more on his Tumblr.
much talk has been made this week of the Dutch company Mars One and it's competition (is that the right word???) which offers participants the chance of a one-way trip to Mars where they will live for the rest of their lives, aiding all the smart space agency folks down here on the planet of blue and green by providing information on the red planet. while the mission sounds very exciting a lot of criticism of it has come from the question of planet colonization. i'll let Noam Chomsky take it from here:
“the United States blocked the UN general assembly resolution opposing space-based weapons. it was passed 138-0, the US and Israel alone abstaining, the US abstention is a veto. two years earlier the US space command published what it called it’s vision for the year 2020, which called for ‘full spectrum dominance’, including control of space, military control in order to protect US interests and investments.” - Noam Chomsky